Thoughts on traveling

A traveler's guide to Baltimore Maryland
by Raj Singh

If you are flying to Baltimore, chances are you will arrive at the local airport known as the Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (or abbreviated as BWI). When you arrive at the airport and it is your final destination, you should collect your baggage and proceed to immigration clearance. Once you are ready to see Baltimore, you can proceed to taking ground transportation. There are number of ground transportation options at the airport:

Helpful questions to ask in planning your next trip
by Raj Singh

Traveling to and staying in unfamiliar places is often confusing. This is especially true when going to a foreign country for the first time. This is why it is not uncommon for people to learn about the foreign country as much as possible prior to traveling. Researching in library or on internet and asking familiar people questions is very helpful in helping you understand the desired destination and its culture.

Going there by airplane
by Raj Singh

Before you travel by airplane, you need to purchase the air ticket. With the advances in internet, you can buy the ticket online — you no longer have to go to a travel agent. But this does not mean you should not shop around to find the best fare. If you care for the price of your ticket, understand two types of travelers get the best fare:

What you should know if you are not traveling solo
by Raj Singh

It is not uncommon to have a partner with you for a trip. There may be variety of reasons why you choose to travel with a partner versus going alone. You know if you go alone you will be responsible for all the expenses and you will solely make all the decisions for your trip. If, however, going with a partner, sharing and finding compromising is a must for a successful and enjoyable trip. You may also choose to go with someone else if you don't speak the local language or not familiar with the destination.

Health considerations in your travel plans
by Raj Singh

It is difficult to admit yet it is worth sharing as it may help avoid many any miserable health experiences abroad. On our recent trip to India, we suffered from diarrhea for most of the trip. We went to a see different doctor on daily basis in hope if a new medicine or advice will work. Before we knew it, it was time to return back to US. We got better when we came back to US. If we had known better, we could have avoided such problems simply by taking with us the necessary medicine to protect our health.

Traveling to a foreign country
by Raj Singh

If you are traveling to a foreign country, you need to make sure you have the proper documentations with you. For some countries, you need a proper visa even if you stay for a few hours to change aircraft, routed to your final destination. Each country has specific visa requirements or waivers for visas for citizens from other countries. The best way to find out whether or not you need a visa is to contact the embassy for that country in your country. In other words, if you are in India now and want to travel to UK, you need to go to UK embassy in India to learn about the visa requirements.

Traveling to a foreign country
by Raj Singh

If you are traveling to a foreign country, you need to make sure you have the proper documentations with you. For some countries, you need a proper visa even if you stay for a few hours to change aircraft, routed to your final destination. Each country has specific visa requirements or waivers for visas for citizens from other countries. The best way to find out whether or not you need a visa is to contact the embassy for that country in your country.

Accommodation choices for a US visit
by Raj Singh

Here is a coverage for some of the options you will have to stay when you visit the US or when you travel within the US. Options include: staying at a hotel, staying on a resort, staying at an apartment or condominium, staying at a family home (also called guest houses), and staying at private homes.

Keeping your house safe while you are gone
by Raj Singh

Are you one of those who devote his/her energy for preparing for the trip and spend less time thinking about the safety and security of your house? If this the case you should read this post, especially if you will be gone for weeks or longer and no one will be behind to take care of your house. If all of your households are traveling with you, it makes sense to seek assistance from a responsible person to do your house chores â€" such as maintain your lawn or garden, collect mail, and most importantly, call the right authorities in case of an emergency.

Packing for your trip
by Raj Singh

What to take with you on a trip depends on many factors such as for how long you are staying at your destination, what kind of weather you are expecting abroad, the purpose of your trip, and how much traveling you will be doing. Packing light gives you the flexibility to move freely on your trip. Packing heavy, on the other hand, may become much more of concern to you than the actual items you have taken with you. If you have to rush to catch a train or need to walk, you may not be able to do that comfortably, if you have heavy, for instance. So it makes sense to carry only with you what you need and you will actually use.

Tips for making your travel successful
by Raj Singh

Neither you have to travel the world nor do you need a college degree on travel to learn how to make your trip successful. Here are some important tips, in addition to other posts, that can help you make your journey successful.

Keep in mind, each trip is unique. As such, not all tips listed here will apply to all trips or travelers. For example, a family with kids will need to devote their travel time to taking care for their children duration of the trip while a person traveling alone can enjoy the trip carefree. To make the post as complete as possible, I'll try to post all the tips that relate to a journey.

Ways to travel in the United States
by Raj Singh

Depending on where you arrive in the US, you have number of options when it comes finding ways to travel from one place to another. Many US cities have buses, trains (or subways), boats, and taxis. You can ride these vehicles for a fee for each destination. In some cases, you also have the option to purchase a pass or card to make multiple trips. Whether you go far or near, you will find taxis to be a more expensive choice versus other modes of transportation mentioned earlier. Don't forget to consider air travel for going long distances.

Helpful information to know if you are traveling to the US
by Raj Singh

Beside having the proper documentations to visit and stay in the US, you should know your accommodation needs, how to move around and protect yourself. This covers everything you need to know about your travel plans to US. Main points covered in the post include: American dollar, credit cards, banking, driving, taxis and other transportation, emergency telephone numbers, electricity, internet, newspapers, tv, and radio, time and dates, restrooms/bathrooms/toilets, clothing and packing, measurements and weights, and more.

Getting emergency help in the United States
by Raj Singh

When you travel to US, you should know how to handle an emergency. Emergencies can happen unexpectedly any where and cause harm to your property, to you, or your loved ones traveling with you. You and others traveling with you should know how to get help. The local telephone number for getting help is 911. With this emergency help line, you can:

  • report a crime
  • report fire
  • request an ambulance for medical help
  • report suspicious activities (such as call for help, gunshots)