Adult learning

Being adult does not mean you have to sacrifice adult education. Without proper education in hand, it is hard to get a good job. As you may well know education provides benefits beyond just work opportunities. If you have already decided to start adult education, you don’t need any further convincing of its benefits. However, those are hesitant to start adult education should consider these points:

  • Look at the job description for the work you are interested in. You are likely to find education background is one of the qualifications.
  • Adult education can help you find your future job. Your school, professors, and other students can identify you of any work opportunities while you are in school.
  • Completing adult education programs helps to raise sense of accomplishments.
  • Education also helps to develop writing, organizing, analyzing, thinking, communication, and other skills. These skills not only play a larger role in just in the classrooms but also in the real world.
  • Education helps people to be not left behind.
  • How about earning more money? Pursuing education means opportunities to earn higher income.
A classroom for adults at a community college
A classroom for adults at a community college

Starting adult education

If you have not completed high school, are likely to be asked to enroll in Adult Secondary Education (ASE) classes. These classes prepare students to earn a General Educational Development (GED) certificate. What is this GED certificate? A GED certificate is an alternative for a high school diploma. A person with a GED certificate essentially indicates the person has mastered the knowledge and skills equivalent to of a high-school graduate.

What can you expect to learn by enrolling in an Adult Secondary Education program? Here are the major topics of studies for this program:

  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • Social studies

Don’t think you have to spend tons of money to get a GED. In many areas, GED classes are free or have very little cost to the students. Your local school district office is a great way to find more information on GED preparation programs. Alternatively, you can search the internet or look-up in the phone book.

A GED holder when goes to hunt for a job. He/she finds that most US employers consider a GED to be equivalent to a high school diploma. So this means person with a GED can get a job that requires minimally a high school graduation.

Many community colleges also provide adult education opportunities just for adults. Colleges have a broader scope of subjects for study for adult learners than high schools. You can, for instance, find college classes geared toward teaching you for a specific job such web design, art, dancing, and so on. Again, there are many possibilities to suit most interests. As the cost is low or free, it is worth taking a look at adult educational program offerings from community colleges. Check your local community college to find out more about the classes available, how much they cost, any prerequisites and how to enroll.

Posted on 2/3/2008
by Raj Singh