Posts on education

Learning by reading - a survival guide for readers
by Raj Singh

Reading is not just limited to classrooms. In today's society, we all are expected to read everywhere and most of the time. Look around, you are likely to see something waiting to be read. That something could be your textbook, newspaper, magazine, letter, sign, text message, or an email. As a student, reading for class assignments probably demands more attention than reading a road sign.

Getting help from school or public libraries
by Raj Singh

If you are in school you probably have access to library get information on almost any topic. If you are not school, it does not mean you can not find information on what you are looking for. Public libraries are meant to serve everyone, whether or not you are in school. Also, like school libraries provide most resources free to students so does the public libraries to everyone.

Getting help on education matters
by Raj Singh

Students should not forget there are college resources that help them get advice when they need it. Colleges and universities have academic advisers to help students plan their education. The service is free and helpful to the student's success. If you have questions, academic advising can play a bigger role in getting you answers.

Adult learning
by Raj Singh

Being adult does not mean you have to sacrifice adult education. Without proper education in hand, it is hard to get a good job. As you may well know education provides benefits beyond just work opportunities. If you have already decided to start adult education, you don't need any further convincing of its benefits. However, those are hesitant to start adult education should consider these points:

Going smarter on starting a new semester
by Raj Singh

If you are like most high school students, you are asked to complete many tasks all at once when starting to pursue college education. You are asked to do well on college entrance examination tests while maintaining good grades with all of your school work. On top of that you are asked to research and satisfy additional college acceptance requirements. Once a college accepts the student, the student's responsibilities only increase. The college life brings with it more challenges and responsibilities.

Help on writing papers
by Raj Singh

Writing papers is not just for English majors. Writing of papers (or reports) is tied to most, if not all, college courses to have the student demonstrate mastery of the course material. Obviously, English major students are expected to write well where more emphasis is on their writing skills while those in non-English majors are less graded on the writing skills but more on the mastery of the course concepts.

Planning guide to United States for international students
by Raj Singh

International students interested in pursuing their studies in the US will need to obtain a student visa or F-1 Student visa. Before you leave your home country, you will need to prepare your documents and follow the visa procedures dictated by the local US embassy. As each US embassy consulate sets its own policies regarding visas to US, it is not uncommon to find varying procedures and regulations. So it is highly recommended to consult with a local embassy for official information regarding student visas. This page will provide general information to prepare international students to come to US.

Enrolling your child (or children) in school
by Raj Singh

What can you do to make sure your children are prepared to succeed? Regardless of whether you had a chance or not, have your children start learning in school or at home. You have the choice of enrolling your children in a private or public school. Private schools will charge you a fee (known as tuition) for allowing your child to attend. On the other hand, public schools are free.

Learning from vocational schools
by Raj Singh

When you become an adult, learning does not have to end. If learning stops, growing also stops. Active learning, on the other hand, is what will help make one bloom forever.

Thinking and use of brain in student learning
by Raj Singh

As a student, it is probably beneficial to your education to know your thinking styles and which side your brain uses most often. This is invaluable information because this can help you improve in areas that deemed necessary. The information will also help you understand how you learn new ideas or information.

Anxiety/fears in classrooms
by Raj Singh

Naturally, we like to stay in familiar places, with familiar faces. There are times when familiarly settings are no longer fit for our needs or desires because we have grown older. Would you expect a 15 year old be in a fourth grade? That example may be too extreme but it shows that with age students change class or school settings. With the changes, come fears.

Tips for your first or next class presentation
by Raj Singh

Are you nervous about your upcoming in-class presentation? If you are or need some help in preparing better for your presentation, I will offer you some tips that have helped and help me in my presentations. A big secret to making good presentation is practice: practice your material minimally several times before your presentation.

Abbreviations in education for degrees and programs
by Raj Singh

Are you confused when you come cross an abbreviation in your education life? Here is a post that will help you understand the full form of commonly used abbreviations.

College tuition is expensive and rising
by Raj Singh

College tuition is probably the two words that students and parents of a teenager find uncomfortable to hear. Why? It involves money, large sum of money. It reminds everyone of the types of costs associated with studying in college. These are the common costs come to mind with college studies: tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and more.

Understanding private loans
by Raj Singh

When education expenses are higher than a student's scholarships and/or government loans, the student has to look for other sources to make the payment. If the student or family has savings for college, the choice may be to use the savings assuming the savings are not needed for other purposes and the savings will be enough to pay the education expenses. If you don't have access to savings or don't want to dip into your savings, a private loan is an alternative to consider funding the education.

Understanding college costs
by Raj Singh

Knowing how much to save to cover college costs requires knowing how much it costs to attend a college. If you (or your children) are starting college now, it's just matter of a few clicks to find how much the college bills will be. If college attendance is many years away (if, for example, you are planning for a youngster), knowing exactly the future college costs is difficult. College tuitions are subject to change and vary considerably due to these and other important factors time, location and type of school.

Understanding meaning of the mathematical expressions
by Raj Singh

When solving mathematical problems, it is essential to know the meaning of the expressions you see on a test or a homework problem. If you don't understand the meaning of the expression, you won't be able to correctly do the problem. This post covers meaning behind equality and the four basic mathematical expressions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Understanding grants and scholarships
by Raj Singh

Here I offer a quick overview on college grants (and scholarships). Think of grants as needâ€"based and scholarship as meritâ€"based. In any case, both offer free money for your college education. So why do students and their parents take loans and use other means to pay for college when there is this "free money?" Although grants don't require repayment, only qualifying students can receive grants. This limits how much free money students can receive toward their college education.

Understanding universities and colleges
by Raj Singh

In this post, I share with you useful information on types of universities and colleges. By reading this post, you will have a better understanding of what universities and colleges are all about. I will expose also information on academic program offerings you can expect from these academic institutions.

Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
by Raj Singh

A student needs to complete FAFSA (or Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to receive financial aid toward their education advancements in college. After your application is processed by the Department of Education, further information (or instructions) on your aid are provided to you. Here are some tips that should help you complete the FAFSA worry-free:

Factors influencing high test scores
by Raj Singh

When it comes to testing, what makes some students to score high while other to score lower? There are number of factors that indicate how the student will perform on a test. Students knowing these factors can increase their test scores. However, keep in mind there is no quick solution that will give you an A on a test.

Higher education agencies by state
by Raj Singh

If you are searching for grants or scholarships for your studies in college, contact the state agency for your state below. Here is a list of agencies that administer student aid, both at the state and federal level: (see the post)

Learning English in the US
by Raj Singh

Children and adults who have immigrated to the US from many places around the world can learn English at many schools, colleges, and community centers in the US. In most cases, you don't have to travel far to learn English. Internet is also a great tool to learn English if you know how to use a computer.

If you do not have any previous experience in speaking, reading or writing in English, it does not mean you cannot learn English. If you know how to write and read your native language, it will aid you in learning English. If you have no prior experience in writing or reading in your language, it will be a great challenge to learn English or any other language for that matter.

Understanding off-campus learning (distance learning)
by Raj Singh

Have you ever heard of distance learning? Have you ever considered using it? Distance learning is new and has grown exponentially due to online education offerings.

Universities, graduate schools, community colleges, technical schools, and vocational schools are all offering distance education programs or courses. Schools have partnered with online, broadcasting, cable, and satellite companies to deliver education to the comfort of your home or office. Schools offer distance learning on variety of subjects such as computer science, health, business, and so on.

Preparing for college from birth to college years
by Raj Singh

This college planning timeline is designed to help you identify where you should be in the process of preparing to send yourself or your child to college. If you are starting late in college planning as suggested in this timeline, don't be discouraged; rather consider saving for college as much as possible. Remember your income and/or loans may be needed to cover college bills if you have no or very minimum savings set aside for college education. You probably have to do work more and harder to overcome what you have missed in earlier years.

Reviewing award letters
by Raj Singh

When you get your award letter from your school, make sure you understand what you are expected to pay for your college costs. The letter will instruct you to sign and choose the aid from the proposed financial resources.

If you have never seen an award letter, you won't have a clue of what it has. Because each award letter varies from college to college, you can expect to find variety of award letters with varying requirements and costs and aid differentials.

Searching for scholarships
by Raj Singh

You probably have read or heard from your financial aid counselor or from friends that money in the form of scholarships is out there. Are you told exactly where and what the steps are for finding scholarship money? Finding a scholarship is rewarding if you receive it, otherwise, it can be disappointing experience. Think about the work you have to put into getting a scholarship. You have to fill out applications, get recommendations, write essays, and so on. Don't forget the scholarship-seeking applicant is competing with many other aid seekers.

Helpful information for taking exams
by Raj Singh

How well you do on an exam depends on not only on how much you know the subject you are being tested on but also knowing how to take the exam. When I first encountered multiple-choice exams in high school, I did not do very well; however, if the same exam had been a non-multiple-choice format, I would do better as I studied for the exam. I knew some other students who did not do well on multiple choice exams.

Common excuses for avoiding studying in college
by Raj Singh

As I speak to my friends, relatives, and others about college education, I come cross number of excuses for delaying or skipping college studies. I feel that anyone interested in planning to study college should do his/her best to make this happen and not be discouraged by any information that suggests that college is beyond your reach. I below share with you number of myths I hear about stopping or avoiding college education. I also try to give you some thoughts that will hopefully convince the student to reconsider decision on studying in college.

Consolidating federal student loans
by Raj Singh

You probably have heard or seen the loan consolidation commercials. Have you wondered what loan consolidation, particularly for federal student loans, is about? In simplest terms, a loan consolidation is a process of combining multiple loans into one.

The motivation in so doing is to have a single monthly payment, fixed interest rate, and longer repayment term. In this post, we are talking about consolidating federal student loans such as Federal Stafford or PLUS Loans, not just any loan.

Understanding the basics of decimals
by Raj Singh

Are you confused when you see numbers with decimals? This post can help you understand decimals. Let's start by defining what a decimal is. A decimal is really a fraction, with a denominator being implicit to be 10 or some other power of 10. Consider the following decimal examples:

  • .6
  • .78
  • .987
  • .1234

Kids websites

RecessLand — an online resource for kids to learn in fun & informative ways. The site offers tools and videos among other resources.